All You Need to Know about Surgical Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Wisdom teeth extraction surgery is common and straightforward, but many people fear the procedure. Get the reality of what you can do to go into your process confidently.
Wisdom teeth removal is a procedure most people have to go through. However, the process can scare people, especially if they don’t know what to expect during and after getting the teeth removed. With over three million people getting wisdom teeth removed yearly, the procedure is routine for dentists and oral surgeons. However, it’s natural to feel anxious and even wonder whether the process is essential when you’re dentist discusses the topic with you.
Please continue reading to learn all you want about wisdom teeth extraction surgery, why it is essential, how to prepare, what to expect from the procedure and recover from it to receive the surgery with knowledge.
Why Might You Need Wisdom Teeth Extraction Surgery?
Your wisdom teeth, the third molars at the very back of your mouth, are generally problematic. In addition, you often develop impacted wisdom teeth indicating sufficient space isn’t available in the mouth for them to emerge from the gums. Impacted wisdom teeth appear partially or might remain hidden beneath your gums. However, they can cause severe symptoms that necessitate extraction. Signs that indicate you have impacted third molars include:
- Jaw pain.
- Jaw swelling and stiffness.
- Challenges opening your mouth.
- Halitosis.
- Swollen, tender, or bleeding gums.
Wisdom teeth extraction surgery is recommended to prevent your wisdom teeth from creating severe problems over the long term for your dental health. If left untreated, wisdom teeth can cause crowding even after receiving orthodontic treatments with braces. They are also notorious for causing cysts that might require extensive surgery to remove surrounding bone and tissue. In addition, failure to remove wisdom teeth can result in gingivitis, periodontal disease, tooth decay, and severe bacterial infections. However, wisdom teeth extraction surgery can prevent the problems from occurring.
Preparing for Wisdom Teeth Extraction Surgery
Your oral surgeon will guide you on the foods and drinks you can have before your surgery. You must avoid alcohol and tobacco in the hours before wisdom tooth extraction in Burlington, ON, and ensure you have filled any prescriptions your dentist has provided and purchased soft foods such as smoothies, applesauce, yogurt, and oatmeal that are comfortable to have without chewing after your procedure. In addition, you must also arrange for someone to reach you home after the surgical procedure.
During your appointment for wisdom teeth removal, ensure that you wear loose-fitting clothing, especially if you are receiving intravenous sedation. You will experience no pain during the process lasting approximately 45 minutes because the dentist or oral surgeon provides local anesthesia near the tooth or comfortable removal. When performing the surgery, the surgeon removes your wisdom teeth using standard procedures depending on how much the teeth are exposed or impacted. After removing the teeth, you receive sutures if necessary.
After completing the surgical procedure, the surgeon transfers you to a recovery room before letting you go home after a specialist clears your return.
Wisdom Teeth Extraction Surgery Recovery
You require a few days or weeks to recover after wisdom teeth extraction. However, the time might extend to two weeks occasionally if the removal requires a complicated procedure. Therefore, on the day of wisdom teeth extraction, you must avoid strenuous activities and rest after you come home. The recovery from wisdom teeth removal requires you to use the preparation you made before the procedure by purchasing soft foods and having them without relying on crunchy and complex foods that can irritate the surgical site to dislodge the blood clot. In addition, you must refrain from using straws for drinking liquids because the suction is unsuitable for healing.
Generally, you must avoid visiting the gym, spitting, using a straw, or eating complex foods that require chewing for a few weeks after wisdom teeth removal. You must also refrain from using an electric toothbrush for cleaning your teeth, relying instead on a manual tool.
Besides the above, you must follow your dentist’s instructions, including how to rinse your mouth, take medications, and prevent flushing out the blood clots. You must also familiarize yourself with allergic reactions to your prescription medications and contact your dentist if you become concerned about the steps you must take to ensure proper healing.
Most importantly, it is essential to work with an experienced dentist when considering getting your wisdom teeth removed. Walkers Line Dental Care has specialists with the expertise necessary to remove wisdom teeth without invasive procedures safely. Consult them to understand whether you need wisdom teeth removal or any questions you might have about your recovery.