Care Tips after Tooth Extraction

Care Tips after Tooth Extraction

February 1, 2022

Tooth removal is a relatively standard procedure among adults who have permanent teeth in their mouths. Some reasons why you may require getting a tooth extracted are tooth infections or decay, gum disease, damage from trauma, or crowded teeth.

Wisdom tooth extraction is also a relatively standard procedure among teenagers and adults. If you wish to understand more about tooth extraction and the care tips you must follow after this dental procedure, please continue reading this article providing information on this subject.

How Are Tooth Extractions Performed?

You can schedule an extraction with your dentist or an oral surgeon. During the tooth removal process, you receive anesthesia in your mouth to numb the area to prevent you from experiencing pain. The dentist keeps you aware of your surroundings without making you sleep. If your child is having a tooth removed or if you need multiple teeth extracted, the dentist prefers to give you more potent anesthesia.

When extracting visible teeth, dentists use instruments called elevators to loosen the tooth by rocking it back and forth. Eventually, they remove the tooth using forceps.

Impacted Or Molar Removal

You require a surgical extraction if you want a molar extracted or the tooth is impacted and sitting below your gum line. In such cases, after you receive anesthesia, the oral surgeon makes incisions in your gums to remove gum and bone tissue covering the tooth. After that, they use forceps to rock the tooth back and forth until it breaks. If the tooth is challenging to extract, they section it in pieces before removing it.

After tooth removal formation of a blood clot occurs in the socket. The dentist or oral surgeon packs the socket with gauze to prevent bleeding. If required, the oral surgeon sutures the extraction site.

After Care Tips for Tooth Extraction

After-care tips following an extraction vary according to the type of removal and the tooth’s location. However, expect to recover from the procedure in approximately 7 to 10 days. You must make every effort possible to ensure the blood clot remains in the tooth socket. You may experience a dry socket if you dislodge the blood clot. Dry sockets are painful and need additional treatments from your dentist.

The following tips can help you speed up your recovery.

  • You must take any painkillers as prescribed by your dentist or oral surgeon.
  • Let the gauze pad remain in the tooth socket for at least three to four hours after tooth removal.
  • Use an ice pack on the affected area immediately after the procedure. Ensure that you keep the ice pack on the cheeks not more than 10 minutes at a time to prevent tissue damage.
  • Do not begin exercising or strenuous activities because it helps dislodge the blood clot.
  • Do not spit, rinse, or use a straw for drinking liquids for at least 24 hours after the extraction to avoid dislodging the blood clot.
  • Use warm salt water to rinse your mouth 24 hours after tooth removal.
  • Do not smoke after the tooth removal procedure.
  • Prop your head with extra pillows when sleeping because lying flat can delay healing.
  • Continue brushing and flossing your teeth to prevent infections remaining cautious to avoid the extraction site.

Foods to Eat After Tooth Removal

During your recovery after tooth extraction, you must avoid hard and crunchy foods preferring instead sought foods like soups, pudding, yogurt, applesauce, et cetera. You can have smoothies if you choose but use a spoon to have them. As you recover and the extraction site heals, you can incorporate solid foods into your diet. However, tooth extractions in Burlington, ON, recommend you continue having a soft food diet for at least a week after the procedure.

Managing Pain after Tooth Extraction

You will likely experience discomfort after tooth extraction and notice swelling on your face. The painkillers recommended by your dentist help reduce the symptoms. You may also receive recommendations for over-the-counter painkillers. However, if your discomfort doesn’t subside in two or three days after the procedure, you must contact the dentist for advice. If the pain worsens after several days, it indicates infections requiring you to call your dentist immediately.

After around a couple of weeks, you can get back to your regular activities and diet. New bone and gum tissue begin growing over the extraction site. Unfortunately, having a missing tooth causes your teeth to shift position affecting your bite. You can discuss tooth replacement solutions with your dentist to prevent having misaligned teeth. You can have the placement using implants, fixed bridges, or dentures.

If you are advised tooth extractions for any reason and want reliable treatment and after-care tips, please contact Walkers Line Dental Care, offering you the treatments and replacement solutions if you desire.

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